Breathe Oregon presents:
“Deconstructing Diesel, pt. 2”
Tuesday, NOVEMBER 12, 2019 Doors open at 5:30pm

HB2007 will regulate heavy duty and medium duty trucks in the Portland Metro region. But what about the rest? How do we deal with the 65% of non-road diesel sources. What about other sites like construction activity and rail yards? Please join us for an informative discussion featuring Amelia Schlusser, Green Energy Institute, and Dr. Linda George, Portland State University.
I’m interested – send me more info!

Breathe Oregon is a partnership with Lewis & Clark Environmental Law School and researchers at Portland State University to identify the tools communities need to address air pollution that harms our health and puts our climate at risk.

We want to thank Meyer Memorial Trust for its ongoing support of the Breathe Oregon Partnership.

Want to know more about the Breathe Oregon Collaboration? Check out our video.