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We empower Oregonians with information and tools to ensure everyone breathes clean air. 

Ashia v Diesel!

2021-22 Webinars and Videos.

2020-21 Webinars.

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, NCA continued on, using a virtual platform to host a series of webinars aimed at addressing some of the most intractable air quality concerns we face.

Deconstructing Diesel – What’s in Our Air Tool: NCA introduced our new mapping tool to track construction-based pollution in the Portland Metro Area. We were joined by Representatives Maxine Dexter and Rob Nosse to discuss opportunities in the legislative session. November 12, 2020.

What’s Up with Air Monitoring?: Reed College Professor and NCA board member Dr. Julianne Fry and NCA Executive Director Mary Peveto shared efforts to expand air monitoring in Portland. We were also joined by Andrea Durbin, Director of the City of Portland’s Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, who discussed a local proposal to create solutions to our air quality crises. December 10, 2020.

Wood Smoke and Diesel: This webinar shared the threats of wood smoke and diesel, and welcome Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury and other experts. January 14, 2021.

NW Metals and Environmental Justice: We were joined by Multnomah County Commissioner Susheela Jayapal to discuss environmental justice, specifically focuses on chronic polluter, NW Metals. February 3, 2021. To access video, use passcode: Ltk9h.5g

DEQ Community Engagement — Have Your Voice Heard! NCA and Verde co-sponsored this webinar to share strategies on how to constructively engage with agencies like the DEQ to bring about necessary change, specifically with the DEQ’s community engagement process. February 8, 2021.

Promising Change for Diesel: Participants heard about PSU Professor Linda George’s in-depth research on diesel particulate matter in Portland and then learned about promising legislation from Representative Karin Power, Green Energy Institute lawyer Amelia Schlusser, air quality expert Kevin Downing, and NCA Executive Director Mary Peveto. March 2, 2021.

Breathe Oregon Webinar-EJ and Transportation with Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty: The Past, Present and Future of Transportation in Portland, with Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty. Portland is the regional intersection of interstate traffic, shipping, and rail, overburdening our most populated communities with bad air. At the same time, instead of looking at forward-thinking solutions, some Oregon leaders are pushing an expansion of the I-5 freeway. NCA has joined a coalition of organizations to sue the Oregon Department of Transportation to demand a thorough environmental impact statement on that project.

Please join us to learn the history and current issues around transportation in Portland in general and the freeway specifically. Joining us will be Portland City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, MxM Bloc Co-Founder Rashelle Chase and more. Tori Heroux, NCA Program Director, will discuss our lawsuit. Apr 22, 2021.

Additional 2020-21 Videos

Purple Air Monitors — How to Install: Reed Professor and NCA Board Member Dr. Julie Fry shared this short video on how to install a Purple Air monitor.

Breathe Oregon – 2019

As the Breathe Oregon collaborative entered its second year, NCA hosted events to delve further into the dynamics of air quality science, law, justice and impacts.

All about Diesel with Dr. Linda George: One of region’s leading air scientists shares the landscape of the sources and the science of diesel pollution. September 12, 2019

Clean Air and the Legal Landscape with Adriano Martinez: A leading attorney with EarthJustice shares his experiences of the challenges and successes in clean air advocacy work. September 12, 2019

Environmental Justice Aspects of Portland’s Diesel Pollution with Amelie Schlusser: The lead attorney with Lewis and Clark’s Green Energy Institute discusses how diesel pollution affects underserved communities. September 12, 2019

Deconstructing Diesel and Vigor: Through this video, viewers can learn of a corporation, Vigor, who have taken significant steps to ameliorate their impact on the environment.

Deconstructing Diesel and DPI Specialty Foods: Similar to Vigor, DPI Specialty Foods also took inspiring steps to improve our air.

Additional Videos – 2019

We are with Earth – Black Carbon: This animated video shares the vital importance of eliminating black carbon in order to meet our climate goals.

Breathe Oregon – 2018

The new Breathe Oregon collaborative is introduced through a series of videos sharing the most critical air quality issues Oregon and our Portland Metro region faces.

What is Breathe Oregon? This introductory video shares the background and current priorities for the program.

Deconstructing Diesel: This inaugural event for Breathe Oregon welcomed scientists, legal experts and lawmakers to introduce this new program to the community. March 21, 2018

Air Quality by Design: Effective Air Management: This event welcomed experts to discuss what exactly can be done to promote effective air quality solutions. August 14, 2018

A Transformational Approach with Akash Singh: This offers a description of the approach that NCA takes when activating and organizing our community. Summer, 2018

Deconstructing Diesel and Indirect Sources: Legal expert Licia Sahagan describes the challenges of indirect sources of diesel pollution.

Neighbors for Clean Air

P.O. Box 10544
Portland, OR 97296