We empower Oregonians with information and tools to ensure everyone breathes clean air.


Fighting Diesel Pollution is Critical to Clean our Air and Protect our Health .

Join Us.


Camp AQ is back!

Interested in environmental justice and public health? Between the ages of 13 and 17?

Join us August 5-8th! You will:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the air quality issues we face in Portland.
  • Engage with peers, experts, and community leaders on linked issues such as mental health, air pollution, racial justice, and the environment.
  • Connect awareness to hands-on action in our households and local communities through art, education, field trips and activism

Camp AQ is free and we will be providing stipends to all who attend!

Report an Odor

Odors can often be an indicator of the presence of toxic emissions from industrial facilities. Whether they are toxic or just create a nuisance, they can be a violation of state issued air permits. For that reason, logging odor complaints is an effective means to mitigate negative impacts from industrial facilities in our neighborhoods.

Take Action on Legislative Priorities

Your Voice is Essential in the Fight for Clean Air! How can you help?

Contact your legislators and ask them to take a leadership role. Find your elected leader here!

What are the Solutions to Our Diesel Crisis?

Keeping a Promise: In 2007, the Department of Environmental Quality promised to dramatically reduce diesel in Oregon. Sixteen years later, diesel pollution
has been reduced by only 2%. Now, the DEQ needs to keep its promise and get far more aggressive in tackling diesel.

Transition to Clean Technology: Construction equipment and diesel hotspots like distribution centers are the largest sources of diesel in Portland. The
solution is simple – new diesel technology reduces
carbon and emissions by nearly 95-99%. We need our
leaders to commit to closing a regulatory loophole
and spur an aggressive program to transition older
diesel to newer models.

Support the Clean Diesel Fund: Heavy diesel equip-
ment is expensive — construction companies should not face the burden of transition alone. The Clean Diesel Fund, which has already supported the transition of many older diesel trucks, needs to be replenished to provide grants to companies committed to cleaning up its fleet. This will bring a huge return on investment, as the EPA suggests that changeover will save $20 for every $1 spent, mostly from saved health care costs. With newer equipment, our state will save billions.

Stay Connected!

To be kept up-to-date and involved in all our legislative agenda, sign up for our action list!

Why is Diesel Such a Problem in Our Area?

Diesel engines are inexpensive and durable, making
them a popular choice.

As neighboring states enact health-protective legislation, their old engines are sold in Oregon. We now have an older fleet than even federal emissions
models assume.

Permits Open For Comment

Have Your Voice Heard! Oregon’s Department of Environmental Quality is constantly considering permits for businesses and more that will affect our air quality. They need to hear from you! Go here to see permits under consideration, then find one that is related to air quality and may affect your community, click on it and follow the directions for submitting comments. For questions or additional guidance, contact Tori!

Neighbors for Clean Air

P.O. Box 10544
Portland, OR 97296